Our PhDs on the road: Namarig Abdelrahman

Read more about Namarig's experiences at the Skin & Formulation, 6th Symposium "Current challenges in skin formulation" in Nantes, France. The symposium was organised by the International Society of Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology (APGI).

  • Period of stay: from 02.10.2023 to 03.10.2023


Travel Report:

My primary contribution to the Skin & Formulation symposium was the presentation of my research poster, which investigated the impact of alkyl chain length in bolalipid surfactants on skin barrier function, with a specific focus on the reduced corneocyte cohesion through PC-C24-PC and PCC32-PC.

The symposium featured a wide range of scientific sessions covering divers facets of skin biology and pathology. Topics of significant relevance included sensitive skin and atopic dermatitis, which closely aligns with the focus of my research. Moreover, the symposium provided valuable insights into innovative approaches to skin delivery, emphasising formulations, strategies, and emerging technologies. Sessions that particularly resonated with me were exploring the advances and innovations in 3D bioprinting of skin for product performance evaluation, recent advances in skin maturation during infancy and childhood and several carrier systems to increase the benefits of active substances.

In addition to the academic aspects, the event offered a diverse and enjoyable social programme. The evening cocktail reception, held at the "Machines de l'Ile" provided a lively and atmospheric setting for networking and relaxation.

My participation in this symposium allowed me to immerse myself in a wealth of scientific knowledge close to my area of research, providing me with valuable insights and keeping me updated on the latest developments in the field of skin and formulation. The opportunity to engage with fellow researchers, scholars, and professionals who share similar interests was a  great benefit. This event expanded my professional network, creating opportunities for future collaborations and research prospects.

In summary, the Skin & Formulation, 6th Symposium "Current challenges in skin formulation" was an invaluable experience. It provided not only a platform to present my research, but also offered a rich source of scientific knowledge and networking opportunities.

I extend my heartfelt thank to the VDS PhaNuSpo for their financial support, which enabled me to participate in this remarkable event.

Namarig Abdelrahman (left) and her colleagues Tanja Pleger (in the middle) and Katja Steiner (right)